Prize Winner 2024:
Holland Cotter

Portraits of Holland Cotter by Kevin J. Miyazaki

Holland Cotter is chief art critic and a senior writer at The New York Times. He has received the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism, the Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art from the College Art Association, and the inaugural award for Excellence in Criticism from the International Association of Art Critics. He has been a Poynter Fellow in Journalism at Yale University, and an Alain LeRoy Locke lecturer at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has an A.B. from Harvard College; an M.A. from Hunter College of the City University of New York, and an M.Phil. from Columbia University. Cotter has honorary degrees from the Maryland Institute College of Art, Pratt Institute; Hunter College of the City of New York; and the State University of New York. He was for many years a contributing editor to Art in America, and an editorial associate of ARTnews. Magazines he has written for include Arts Magazine, Architectural Digest, Parkett, African Arts, Art Journal, and Flash Art.
