Prize Winner 2019:
Mariela Fullana Acosta

Mariela Fullana Acosta

A Puerto Rican, feminist journalist, Mariela Fullana Acosta has worked for national newspapers Primera Hora and El Nuevo Día, where she has been writing about cultural issues in Puerto Rico for more than 20 years.

As a journalist, Mariela has given special emphasis to the coverage of women in the arts and documented the effervescent experimental and alternative art scene of her country, where she also reported on the complex world of Puerto Rican popular music. She received a cultural journalism scholarship from the Gabriel García Márquez Foundation for the New Ibero-American Journalism in 2016. Her journalistic work has been recognized by the Association of Journalists of Puerto Rico and the Overseas Press Club.

In the academic front, Acosta researched the archives of performance art in Puerto Rico in the 1990s. Part of this research under the title “Movements, fugues and looting: The frustrated archive of artistic performance in Puerto Rico” was presented at the First Latin American Meeting of Researchers on Bodies and Corporalities in Cultures, held in 2012 in Rosario, Argentina. Emisférica and Entorno magazines had also published some of her work.

Mariela has a bachelor's degree in public communication from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, and studied at the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. She holds a master's degree in contemporary media and culture from the University of the Sacred Heart of Puerto Rico, where later she worked as an art history professor.